Ainda a falar da família descobri através do blog da Rosa Pomar o link para o site Genji que permite construir a árvore genealógica da família. Ando entusiasmadíssima a descobrir novos parentes e a tentar lembrar-me do nome de quem não vejo à séculos (ou de quem pertenceu a outro século!). Para mais descobri que não tenho o e-mail da maior parte dos meus tios e tias!
It’s amazing but my nephew Martin is already 5 years old! To celebrate the day and to offer to the other kids in Saturday’s party, I made several recipients for the magic beans. In other words, I recycled some yogurt pots to make the beans experience. It’s always good to help mother’s nature.
Still speaking of the family, I recently discovered Genji, trough Rosa Pomar blog, a site that allows building the family tree. I’m really excited to discover new relatives and trying to remember the names of those I don’t see for centuries (or who belonged to another century.) Further more, I have found that I don’t have the e-mail of most of my uncles and aunts!